Hauser Hall

The schedule for the Spring 2025 workshop, facilitated by Chris Lewis and Gina Schouten, is now available.

Banners on Langdell Hall

Registration is now open for the Analytic Legal Philosophy Conference (ALPC), which will be held May 17-18, 2024, at Harvard Law School.

John Goldberg

The Hart-Dworkin Award in Legal Philosophy is “given annually to a scholar who has made significant and lasting contributions to the philosophical understanding of law.”

Ben Eidelson

Following a faculty vote last spring, Ben Eidelson has been promoted from assistant professor to professor of law. Eidelson specializes in bringing philosophical tools to bear on contemporary legal questions.

Langdell Hall

The Harvard Initiative on Law & Philosophy, created almost a decade ago, launched this new website in January 2024. The renovated site aims to better connect and highlight work at the intersection of law and philosophy across the university.

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On the occasion of his appointment as the Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence, John Goldberg asks, “What can philosophy do for law?”

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