Harvard will host the Analytic Legal Philosophy Conference on May 17 & 18, 2024.
The registration fee is $100, which includes breakfast and lunch on both days, and a group dinner on Friday evening (5/17).
Papers (password protected)
Harvard Law School campus map & directions
In the past, the ALPC has been an invitation-only event. This year, it is open to anyone who holds a full-time faculty position in law and philosophy (postdocs included). Harvard will collect a registration fee of $100 to defray its costs. Registration is capped at 100 attendees; if that threshold is reached, you will be invited to put your name on a waitlist. (We ask that you only register if you expect to attend and that you notify us promptly if your plans change.)
A few notes on how the ALPC works:
- The conference begins at 9:30am on Friday, and the final discussion ends at 12:45pm on Saturday (with an optional lunch following it). Three papers are discussed on Friday; two on Saturday.
- Sessions are 1 hour & 45 minutes each, made up entirely of Q&A. Papers are not orally presented or summarized.
- Papers are circulated about a month in advance. Everyone is expected to read them thoroughly before the conference.
- Those attending the conference are expected to attend all the sessions.
- Information about hotel rooms and other logistics is linked to above.
- More information about the history of the ALPC is available here.
If you don’t plan to attend this year’s ALPC but would like to receive information about future events, please fill out the form here.
Best wishes,
Ben Eidelson (on behalf of HLS) and Mitch Berman, David Enoch, Kim Ferzan, Kate Greasley, Scott Hershovitz, Scott Shapiro, and Trish White (the ALPC organizing committee)
Please contact Maureen Worth (mworth@law.harvard.edu) with any questions.